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15 Hard Facts about the Typical Learning Stream User

Internal research has revealed some common attributes among typical Learning Stream administrative users, the folks who use the software day in and out to manage registrations.
Typical User:

  1. Perspicacious
  2. Ingenious
  3. Assiduous
  4. Quite deft at whipping together a brunch quiche when Cousin Skip from Omaha shows up unexpectedly on a Saturday.
  5. We also know 85% of Learning Stream’s super users are female. From experience, we have learned 99.9% of them are professional, good-natured, patient, and a pleasure to work with. (We’re calling you out, Wilma Jean.)
  6. The typical organization has been an Learning Stream customer for five years.
  7. On average, Learning Stream customers conduct 10 to 12 classes, trainings, or other programs each month. A very small number of customers hold annual events such as conferences. That is the only time they need a registration management solution. On the other end of the spectrum, some Learning Stream users hold more than one thousand classes and trainings each year.
  8. A typical user requires registration management for programs we generally describe as training, whether its employee refreshers, teacher workshops, learning a new software system, courses for customers, professional continuing education, or community classes such as birthing or billiards.
  9. Classes on average have thirty students signed up. However, some classes are very small because of their highly-technical subject matter and price tag. Such classes have a half-dozen or fewer students.
  10. A vast majority (88%) of Learning Stream users collect payments or at least track financial activity related to their programs.
  11. Sixty-eight percent (68%) who track financials accept online payments. Many of them have unique and complex fee challenges, such as multi-person or multi-class discounts (which only apply on Tuesdays if the registrant is wearing a red poly-cotton blend sweater).
  12. Continuing education is a big deal as well for a majority of Learning Stream customers. Sixty-two percent (62%) have activated CE functionality in their Learning Stream account, which allows them to capture, track, and report on myriad CE data. That data must be available in real-time for students as well as sanctioning organizations.
  13. User job titles are varied, including administrative assistants, technology directors, training leaders, assistant deans, CE directors, human resources VPs, and registration managers. A typical user also includes a fair number of business owners.
  14. Titles of classes are just as diverse, including Performance Management Training, Basic Life Support, Nurse Aid Skills, Using Density Software to Engage Student Learning, Tai Chi for Health and Arthritis, Behavior Intervention Strategies, Case-Based Pharmacological Pain Management, and Advanced Expressive Watercolor Coincidently, these are all classes offering daily in Learning Stream’s breakroom.
  15. We really learned there is no such thing as a typical user of Learning Stream. They are a diverse group with unique challenges. And no matter how often or how large their classes and events are, each one is just as critical as the one before and the next one on the schedule.

Where do you see yourself on the spectrum? If you’re exploring registration management software options, we would love to learn about your unique challenges.

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