Are digital signatures right for your program?
Between 2012 and 2017, digital signature use leapt from 89 million transactions worldwide to 754 million. That’s an increase of...
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Between 2012 and 2017, digital signature use leapt from 89 million transactions worldwide to 754 million. That’s an increase of...
The automation of training registration via a robust system has made registration management a lot easier. But the age-old challenge...
Text messaging is a ubiquitous facet of personal communications. According to Pew Research, smartphone ownership jumped from 35% in 2011...
A registration process can yield copious information to help you later market to your audience. If the health of your...
In most registration management processes, taking a post-class survey is a given. Online evaluations—testing the training provider in a way—are...
Lots of experiences involving doubles are positive: doubles in baseball, double espressos, double cheeseburgers… But double-bookings? Not so much. Robust...
As a developer of feature-rich registration management software, we get a lot of questions about how the system works. We...
Holiday shopping patterns offer a clue to trends that go well beyond how and when someone is buying a chartreuse...
Two-factor authentication (2FA to put it simply) means requiring someone to go through two steps before logging into an online...