A Student Portal Puts Trainees Behind the Wheel
Organizations are putting more responsibility on their learners to access, track, and manage their own training results. Learning Stream has...
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Organizations are putting more responsibility on their learners to access, track, and manage their own training results. Learning Stream has...
Accountability has reached buzzword status in nearly every industry. However, accountability is old hat to the training industry, which spends...
Training isn’t cheap. Employers spent $87.6 billion on training last year in the US, according to one source. At least...
Text messaging is a ubiquitous facet of personal communications. According to Pew Research, smartphone ownership jumped from 35% in 2011...
Lots of experiences involving doubles are positive: doubles in baseball, double espressos, double cheeseburgers… But double-bookings? Not so much. Robust...
Rare is a registration process simple behind the scenes. Nearly every situation beyond signing up to bring a casserole to...
You may think of a thousand good reasons to recognize trainees—and any employees—for a job well done. According to this...
Evaluations are an excellent way of gathering important feedback following training. That is particularly so if you structure your surveys...
Back in the simpler days of 2015, we wrote an article about the growing preponderance of standup desks. As we...