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How to Manage Disparate Data Without an ERP

One of the many reasons a company or organization may seek out a registration software or platform is to find something that will help streamline processes and make things more efficient. These organizations may also be handling a large amount of disparate data housed in many different places, leading to organizational chaos.

Managing a learning environment with multiple databases in use with multiple logins can be a significant challenge—for both administrators and participants. This fragmented experience can lead to inefficiencies, errors, and an overall negative user experience. And with data siloed and spread across multiple systems, it can be difficult to track learner progress or generate meaningful insights in your reports.

ERP Systems: A Complex Solution

To solve this problem, some organizations may turn to enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to help unify data and manage the key parts of operating a business. While ERPs have clear advantages (namely, their data unification abilities), some of the downsides include high costs, slow implementation, and solutions that are often too complex for organizations that don’t fall into the category of large enterprise businesses. They also usually require significant IT resources and ongoing maintenance.

ERP systems are probably overkill for many organizations, but the good news is that registration platforms like Learning Stream can offer a simpler solution.

Learning Stream as a Standalone System

For organizations that don’t need the full range of solutions that ERP systems offer, Learning Stream can help you manage participant data without the need to overhaul your entire IT infrastructure. It’s a standalone system—complete with a single platform and a single login—and it integrates with many of the platforms and software you may already use. With connections to learning management systems, video conferencing tools, and other software, participants only need one set of login credentials to access the tools they need throughout the entire signup and course completion process.

Even though it’s a standalone system, Learning Stream doesn’t isolate your data. You can easily export data and information to other platforms for tracking, reporting, or further analysis, allowing administrators to maintain comprehensive records for compliance or reporting requirements without needing to turn to an ERP.

Even for organizations that do use an ERP system, Learning Stream can augment and support an ERP with its easy-to-export data, making it compatible with ERP solutions as well.

A Simple Answer to a Complex Problem

Learning Stream is a cost-effective solution that’s simple to implement and can scale with your organization as you grow. It addresses the key challenges of fragmented data and, with its ability to export data for tracking and reporting purposes, it provides the flexibility you need without the complexity of a full-scale ERP system. If you’re looking for a way to simplify your organization’s learning management without the need for an ERP, Learning Stream can help you streamline the process and gain efficiency.

Contact us to get started with Learning Stream today.

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